News | September 16, 2024
First Mākeke at Kalaeloa Town Proves Popular at Kalaeloa Professional Center

On September 10th, Wai‘anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center (WCCHC) and ‘Elepaio Social Services, in partnership with Hunt Companies Hawai‘i, introduced Mākeke at Kalaeloa Town, a farmers’ and green market that will be held every second Tuesday of the month at Kalaeloa Professional Center.
The inaugural Mākeke at Kalaeloa Town featured fresh produce, poi and prepared foods from dozens of farmers – including Kahumana Farm, Makaha Valley Farm and MP Farms – and local eateries from the West O‘ahu community.
WCCHC and ‘Elepaio Social Services have a twofold mission with their Mākeke: 1) providing local families with produce and other products as close to their community as possible and 2) elevating and encouraging cultural practices. Their original Mākeke in Wai‘anae was the first farmers’ market on the island to accept Hawai‘i State food-assistance program benefits (EBT). They previously organized a Mākeke in Kapolei.
“At the heart of our Mākeke is a commitment to equity, community and sustainability. By enabling our local food producers to accept SNAP, SNAP doubling and WIC, we directly enhance our community’s access to fresh, local and nutritious produce and proteins. This, in turn, helps to cultivate a more resilient and equitable food system. This market is more than just a place to buy fresh produce – it’s a space where we can actively work to dismantle the barriers that prevent access to healthy, nutritious food for all,” says Alicia Higa, Executive Director of ‘Elepaio Social Services and Chief Health Equity Officer of WCCHC.
“We are thrilled to bring this Mākeke to the residents and businesses in Kalaeloa Town,” shared Kathleen Iriarte, Assistant Development Manager at Hunt. “Not only does the market make produce and other fresh foods accessible right in their neighborhood, Mākeke at Kalaeloa Town is becoming a regular gathering place to see neighbors and friends.”
Earlier this year, Hunt introduced its 530 acres as Kalaeloa Town – a vibrant community for local families and businesses that is built for the future, yet honors the area’s rich heritage.
For more information, please visit